16 кадров, после которых вам захочется спуститься в метро. Игорь Акинфеев подтвердит

16 кадров, после которых вам захочется спуститься в метро. Игорь Акинфеев подтвердит

Игорь Акинфеев, Евгений Ловчев, Виталий Мутко и другие важные люди в мировом и российском футболе запустили специальный поезд в цветах ЧМ-2018.

Официальный поезд чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Официальный плакат чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Вратарь ЦСКА Игорь Акинфеев, президент РФС Виталий Мутко и вдова вратаря Льва Яшина Валентина Тимофеевна Яшина на презентации официального плаката ЧМ-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Генеральный секретарь ФИФА Фатма Самура.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Игорь Акинфеев во время презентации официального плаката ЧМ-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Презентация официального плаката ЧМ-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Вратарь ЦСКА Игорь Акинфеев и вдова вратаря Льва Яшина Валентина Тимофеевна Яшина на презентации официального плаката ЧМ-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Widow of Lev Yashin & Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Виталий Мутко на презентации официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Генеральный секретарь ФИФА Фатма Самура на презентации официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Презентация официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Игорь Акинфеев и Евгений Ловчев на презентации официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Посол ЧМ-2018 Яна Чурикова на презентации официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу.

Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Вагон официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Вагон официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Вагон официального поезда чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

Стикер с изображением Игоря Нетто в официальном поезде чемпионата мира по футболу-2018.

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

В путь!

Presentations of the Official Poster of the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia. Within the framework of the event, a subway train dedicated to the history of the FIFA World Cup was presented. Took part : Vitaly Mutko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018' Fatma Samura, Secretary General of FIFA, Alexei Sorokin, General Director of the Organizing Committee 'Russia-2018', Alexander Gorbenko, Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Igor Akinfeev, Ambassador of the FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, goalkeeper of the Russian national team. / Фото: © Андрей Голованов и Сергей Киврин

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